Monday, March 14, 2016


I chose one of my favourite games until now because I played it and finished it like 5 times in a row, 2 weeks ago. I really liked it because it has 3 different endings, we call them in-game "Routes", one of the routes is called "The True Pacifist Route", the opposite of that route is "The Genocide Route", and if you do some things of genocide route and the  pacifist one you end up with the "Neutral Route".  The story is about a place underground were the monsters were sealed by 7 powerful human magicians,  the humans won the "Human and Monsters War" and the monsters had to live underground, under the surface were the humans live. From here comes the name "Undertale" because it's a game about the story of the underground with one human who fell trough a hole in Mt. Ebott, the only entrance to the underground. I could  talk about the endings but I don't want to do spoilers, so I won't tell you! . Oh , of course I must say that the soundtracks of this game are exciting, touching, creepy sometimes (depends wich route you're doing). It's cool for me because there isn't a person singing the song, it's just instrumental. I will show you some right now: 

Imagine this song playing in the background when you fight one of the most difficult battles in the game. Kinda exciting isn't it?

And there are some touching  soundtracks like this one : 

Sorry, I forgot to tell you that this game was created by Toby Fox, the soundtracks included. And the has a category of "RPG" (A.K.A: Role-Playing Game), because when you fight monsters while you are doing the route you can "FIGHT" to defeat them, and gain EXP and LOVE  or "ACT" for then do  "MERCY" and "SPARE"  to spare the monster. If you have low HP you can use items too! So if you're worried about dying you can think about take with you some items before you fight bosses and other stuff to make battles easier! The goal of a battle is not to be touched  by incoming objects, you must protect you SOUL wich is a Heart: 

 I must tell you that the True Pacifist Route was the first one I did and  in the ending it makes you cry ( I cried some too ) , also the story has some unfold mysteries too.

That's all for now! If you're interested in this game you can buy it for 9,99€ in Steam if you like...

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