Monday, October 26, 2015

Multiple Intelligences

Today I did a test about having multiple intelligences I agree with the result but, there are some things that I disagree, like the logical (smart on numbers) it's a litte bit low. My best intelligence is from Naturalistic (Study of the life )  the second best intelligence is Interpersonal and the worst is the musical intelligence, I knew that from the beginning when I picked up that instument (concretly a guitar) I wasn't good at touching the cords. I knew that I was Naturalistic from the beginning, i'm pretty good at biology and my marks are more than 8.


For Naturalist : biologist, astronomer, gardener, forest ranger and geologist.
For Interpersonalactor, psychologist, PeaceCorps and administrator.

Monday, October 19, 2015

News In Levels

In the news showed a shocking moment when a brown bear broke into a shopping mall in Russia. A witness said that after the bear broke the glass in the entrance of the shopping mall it turned into an agressive animal and posed a real threat to local residents. The bear was pursued by policemen, shooted and killed.

shopping mall - shopping center
CCTV footage - security camera video

Bear in a shopping centre - level 3

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


My hero's name is  The Doctor, it is a frictional hero,  from a serial  called Doctor Who (BBC) . He is the protagonist of this serial, I admire him because he always finds a solution to every challenge he must face to, no matter if he must change the past, present or the future. He fights with aliens, ghosts, and other specimen around the universe. He travels with a Police Call Box which is a time machine  that is bigger inside than outside. The Doctor around the history of the serial had 13 different faces, it means that he has got 13 different actors protagonizing him on the serial (From 1968 to actuality) . He fights for the humanity for it's protection and he always travels with a friend, he never travels alone. I like it alot when he finds a solution to impossible problems without expecting that. I really like watch Doctor  Who and I actually watch the serial every Saturday.

The animal in me


Today I did a test about what animal I am, I agree with the result, because it says that sheeps are conservative, supportive, punctual, servile and boring, and I agree with all of that. The result says that the most recommended jobs for me are the gardening, judge, investigator...